Certificate Program in Risk Reduction Management (DDR)

Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is a systematic approach to identifying, assessing and reducing the risks of disaster. It aims to reduce socio-economic vulnerabilities to disaster as well as dealing with the environmental and other hazards that trigger them

Who Should Attend?

This will help students to understand the basic concepts of disaster management, disaster risk, vulnerability, capacity, disaster risk situation, impacts and evolution of disaster management

Course benefits:

This course will help to provide graduates and professionals with the knowledge to manage the DRR process across all sectors of society. Students of the program will learn fundamental disaster risk concepts and receive training in the use of the most globally adopted DRR tools and protocols, some of these through direct engagement


1. Introduction to Disaster Management

• Basics Concepts evolving terminologies in Disaster Management

• Nature and Scope of Disaster Management
• Historical Evolution

2. Classification of Disasters

• Socio-Natural Disasters
• Anthropogenic Disasters
• Technological Disasters

3. Concept of Risk, Vulnerability and Capacity

• Disaster Risk
• Vulnerability (Types and Causes, Models)
• Capacity and Types of Capacity 21
• Level of Capacities

4. Disaster Risks Trends

• Global Disaster Risk Trends
• Costs and Frequency
• Historical Review of Disasters Trends

5. Case Studies on Impacts of Disasters

• Economic
• Social
• Environmental
• Physical Infrastructure