Policies, Terms & Conditions

Willingly desire to get admission in the subject college. I undertake and understand that:

1: NICON may send information / updates about special offers, events, activities, new upcoming courses and any other information from time to time through call, SMS or email on any/all the contacts given in this form /elsewhere and I shall have no objection whatsoever.

2: I shall abide by all the instructions, rules and regulations issued/prescribed by the college (in any printed/oral form or mentioned on NICON’s official website) from time to time including but not limited to academics, administration, financial, general, discipline, fees, fines, etc.

3: The admission form must be completed in all aspects along with copies of National ID card of Student and Parents / Guardian.  All foreign nationals must provide copy of valid student visa (copies of first two pages of passport of student and parents / guardian) and permission from their Embassy and NOC from Ministry of Interior Govt. of Pakistan.

4: I have personally/through my own sources verified the equivalence/recognition of qualifications offered by NICON and if for any reason HEC/any board / awarding body does not give equivalence or recognize any qualification offered by NICON then NICON or any of its staff member will not be held responsible.

5: I have personally/through my own sources verified the recognition / affiliation of NICON for providing services including but not limited to as being study/testing/admission/information center of the relevant university/board/awarding body/testing authority etc. and after my full satisfaction, I am willingly getting admission/registering with NICON for the purpose of study or examination/testing from the relevant university/board/awarding body/testing authority etc. If there is any change/amendment/delay/cancellation in the policies / rules and regulations of relevant university/board/awarding body/testing authority which may/may not affect my admission/test date/testing center/ test-study location/examination/study in any way then NICON or any of its staff member will not be held responsible for any thing.

6: The Institute reserves the right to review/amend and increase the fee/charges including but not limited to registration fee, tuition fee, fines or any other fee without any prior notice or without the consent of Students/Parents.

7: I shall not willfully damage any college property and if it happens “God forbids” then I shall pay for the damage(s).

8: If I am expelled from the college for any reason e.g. on disciplinary grounds / any administrative action/unsatisfactory performance in studies / long absence without permission/notice, then all amount deposited (including the security deposits) will be retained by the college and I shall pay any fine(s) and/or penalties imposed by the college authorities. Decision by the college management will be acceptable to me and shall not be challenged in any court of law.

9: I shall conduct myself with honour and shall not take part in any activity, which may be considered by the college authorities as prejudicial to the interest of the college and to my own interest. I understand that food and beverages are not allowed within campus premises without written approval of campus manager.

10: If I am found in any unlawful activity, or providing incorrect information / document at any stage of study, the college shall have the right  to cancel my admission without assigning any reason/prior notice.

11: Fee including but not limited to tuition fee, test fee, registration fee, etc., once paid is neither refundable nor transferable under any circumstances.

12: No student is allowed to sit for examination, unless his / her accounts are settled in before the date on which the examination is

due to commence. Fee must be paid up to the end of calendar month in which their examination finishes.

13: If instalments / dues are not paid by the due date a fine of Rs. 500/- per day will be charged for next 5 consecutive days and after that the name of the student will be struck off from the college roll.

14: The Institute may shift the premises of any branch to another location for any reason without any prior notice.

15: The Institute has the absolute discretion to regulate the syllabus, curriculum course books and other teaching materials in order to provide quality and standardized education throughout the NICON institutes. The consent of the Students /Parents is not required to make any changes in the curriculum, etc.

16: The Institute reserves the right to accept or cancel the registration/admission of any students without assigning any reason. The institute reserves the right of entry in its premises.

17: After 3 consecutive absentees the name of the student will be struck off from the college.

18: If a student is studying in any other country other than Pakistan then all rules and regulations including but not limited to fees and fines, etc. will be applicable as per the policies devised for that particular country/ student.

19: Readmission is possible only by paying all arrears (including fines), current dues and subject to the approval of Principal/Director.

20: In case of withdrawal, the student will have to pay full dues of the course/program.

21: If a student wants to switch from one campus/course/batch to another campus/course/batch (subject to availability of course / teacher/ seat), then the student has to pay Rs. 1000/- as transfer fee. No transfer is allowed for students availing any fee discount/scholarship.

22: The starting date of the batch is the first due date for submission of fee for that very batch.

23: If the number of students are less than 10 in any class/batch, then the institution reserves the right to defer/freeze the course or transfer the course in other campus (subject to availability of resources) or withdraw that course without any prior notice. A wide range of courses are offered ONLY at selected NICON campuses.

24: Certificates will be issued within two weeks after the course-ending date (subject to successful completion of the course, satisfactory performance of student, class attendance-at least 80% and clearance of all dues). If any extra class(es) (apart from the already prescribed dates for a particular course) are provided by the college to any student / batch then this time period will not be mentioned on the certificate.

25: In order to avoid any delays in certificate issuance, students must submit their duly completed certificate request forms at least 15 days prior to their course-end dates and collect their certificates within two weeks after their course-end dates otherwise students shall pay full fee (all discounts/scholarships will be revoked) and Rs. 1000/- as administrative charges. In this case certificate will be issued after all verifications which may take minimum one month.

26: Any letter / certificate will only be issued, if there is no outstanding amount/dues towards the student and subject to the approval of Principal.

27: Security amount is refundable (subject to fulfilling all conditions / requirements of the institute or te awarding body), if claimed* (within 7 days of withdrawal of admission) by a written application duly received & acknowledged by the college. Alternatively, all deposited amount will be retained without prior notice.

28: If amount is to be refunded to other than applicant or his / her parents then student / parent / guardian MUST instruct the subject institute in writing at the time of depositing the amount and MUST have his/her signature on deposit slip and admission form.

29: The subject college will only deal / provide information to either the student directly or one of their family member (in blood relation of the student preferably father, mother, brother or sister only) and that relative should have the signature on this undertaking form at the time of taking admission. No other person can either accompany or interfere in meeting / correspondence between college and the student / parent in any capacity at any stage.

30: I shall not take part in any activity/discussion – directly / indirectly, intentionally / unintentionally  (within or outside of the campus) which may result in damaging the image/reputation of the institution and/or may cause any financial loss for the institution / any of its staff members / its associates rather I am bound to bring this into the notice of NICON’s senior management and if I am found guilty then the management of NICON college may take any legal action against me / my associates.

31: If I claim for any exemptions (RPL- Recognition of Prior Learning) from Edexcel or any other awarding body, then NICON will charge its administrative fee on per unit/per subject basis. If I only give exam papers and do not take classes of any unit/subject even then I will have to pay full fees of that particular course.

32: I will follow my fee payments plan and if I fail to do so then NICON reserves the right to charge late fee/ fine (Rs.500/- per day) and other administrative charges and NICON can also cancel my registration. I will pay my fee and all types of outstanding dues before the start of any unit/subject, if fail to do that then I will pay late fee to NICON, otherwise NICON reserves the right to stop my tuition classes and can even cancel my registration without any prior notice.

33: Students are highly recommended to fill the form themselves and if there is any mistake/error in any form then NICON or any of its staff member will not be responsible for any delays/cancellation/fines in the examination/test booking. In-complete or incorrectly filled forms will not be processed and any delays or consequences thereof will be the sole responsibility of the student. It is the sole responsibility of the student to keep checking his/her examination/test date, venue etc. directly from the source/awarding body/testing authority so that if there is any change/amendment/delay/cancellation etc. then student should be fully aware of this change and he/she should also inform NICON in writing about any change.

34: Test booking fee for Tests including but not limited to IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, PTE, MCSE, CCNA, Pearson-Edexcel UK etc. are subject to administrative / service charges (non-refundable) of NICON. It is the sole responsibility of the student to verify the test booking information (e.g. Student’s Details, Test Name, Date, Venue, Fee etc.) and if there is any mistake/error in the test booking then NICON or any of its staff member will not be held responsible for anything.

35: If the details/information on this/any other form are incomplete or incorrect then my application will not be processed. I further understand that by completing and submitting Admission / Test Booking Form does not guarantee admission/enrolment on my preferred test date or at my preferred test location. I understand that my admission/enrolment, registration / test booking will only be confirmed by the concerned institute / examination / testing authority. If there is any mistake/error by the testing authority and/or if test is cancelled or rescheduled then NICON or any of its staff members will not be responsible for anything. I further undertake that it is my responsibility to fill all the forms including but not limited to the test booking form by myself. NICON does not guarantee any specific test date / test location. If there is any delay or cancellation of test date then NICON will not be responsible for anything. I also undertake that the particulars/Information given by me are correct, true and complete to the best of my knowledge. After choosing / selecting the test date / location/testing authority, if a student wants to change anything i.e test date / location / test center / testing authority/study campus then NICON will charge additional administrative fee. I understand that the NICON’s fee includes the test fee of the testing authority (if mentioned separately on the fee receipt) , crash / regular test preparation fee and other allied administrative charges of NICON. Certified that I have read, understood and agree to all the instructions, rules and regulations, terms and conditions mentioned above and in other college/offical documents/website from time to time and give undertaking that we (I and my family including my parents) will accept the college Principal’s decision as final and will not challenge in any court of law.

36: If student(s) want/demand any change/amendment in the already prescribed course content, course duration, venue, timings etc (mentioned on the website www.nicon.edu.pk), then special customized fee will be charged based upon the requirement(s) of the student(s).

37: I give special undertaking that I am getting admission in a particular unit/course/program and I myself will complete all study/academic requirements of the said unit/course/program including but not limited to attendance, examinations, assignments, projects, tasks, viva, tests etc. and If at any stage it is found that I am in breach of this condition then NICON can take any disciplinary/legal action against me and may even cancel my registration.

38: I understand that it is the sole responsibility of the student and his/her parents/guardian to verify/check (within 7 working days from the date of any activity) any information including but not limited to student’s information (registration information, course information, dates, name spellings, installment plan, contact tel/address etc.) and fee information (including but not limited to Receipt ID, Receipt No, Receipt Date and amount deposited etc.) and any other information from the official website of “NICON” i.e. www.nicon.edu.pk. Failing to comply with, NICON or any of its staff member(s) will not be responsible for any error/mistake/ financial/reputation/time loss or any other loss.

39: Check the date, time, teacher and venue of your class before coming to your respective NICON’s campus to avoid inconvenience.

40: Management will not be responsible for any loss or theft of your belongings within College premises.

41: NICON premises is a No Smoking Zone. Usage of mobile phone is strictly prohibited in the College premises.

42: NICON will not be responsible, compensate/refund if student(s) do not attend the class mentioned on their student card. In case, the class(es) is not held at the given time for any reason, then NICON will reschedule the class(es) with other teacher or in campus but fee paid will not be refunded or transferred.

43: Rights of Admission/Entry are reserved. NICON’s receipt(s) and Student card has to be in student’s possession for entire duration of the course (Management of NICON reserves the right to deny entry if you are unable to produce a valid student ID card or ask anyone to leave the premises anytime without assigning any reason).

44: Certified that the subject student has completed all the course requirements including but not limited to class performance, attendance etc.