Diploma Program in Early Childhood Care & Education

Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) has become the norm in many European and North American countries, where most children of 3 years and upwards attend a regulated early education service. In addition, early childhood services represent much more than a drop-off location for working parents, but play an important role in child development by giving children an opportunity to engage in a range of educational and social activities. The increasing number of children in formal ECEC is largely attributed, on the one hand, to the convergence of research showing the positive influence of early education on school readiness and, on the other, to the rise in maternal employment, although even children of stay-at-home mothers are likely to attend some type of child care .

Who Should Attend?

This course will be helpful for those who are at the beginning of their career in the field of early childcare and education, who have no or little formal professional training, or those who experience a need to update and support their practices with more knowledge on recent trends in early childhood education.

Course Contents

Semester 1

  • Communication, Values and Leadership for Advanced Early Years Practitioners
  • Theories of Development and Progress – Birth to Seven Years, 11 Months
  • Early Years Curriculum, Play and Learning
  • Safeguarding, Children’s Welfare and Child Protection

Semester 2

  • Creating Safe Environments in Early Years Settings
  • Issues Affecting Children’s Behavior
  • Developing Research Skills for Early Years Practice
  • Professional Development Through Reflective Practice