Diploma Program in Islamic Banking & Finance

Diploma Programme in Islamic Banking & Finance gives you a clear vision behind the Islamic Banking & Finance sector.
The knowledge is inculcated among the students blending theory and Shariah based financial practices. Diploma in Islamic finance designed for result of growth of the Islamic banking and financial institutions, industry, there is a continuous critical need for banking / finance professionals, who are grounded in their understanding of the substance and form of Islamic Finance.
The programme offers a complete diploma to fulfil needs of both Islamic and conventional financial institutions providing Islamic banking services and products.

Who Should Attend?

It has been designed to provide a professional qualification for commerce graduates, Banking Officers and above to initiate a career in the banking sector and to enhance knowledge. It emphasis on the practical aspects of Islamic banking and finance while providing a fair grounding of the jurisprudential foundations of Islamic banking

Course benefits:

The aim of this qualification is to provide candidates with an introduction to Islamic finance and banking. They will review the fundamental principles underlying Islamic finance and learn about the main Shariah-compliant financial instruments. They will be introduced to the main operations of Islamic banking and learn about Islamic contracts and Islamic bonds. Their study will include practical applications of Islamic financial principles including those involving calculations


1. Understand Islamic finance and the fundamental principles of Islamic banking
a. the principles on which Islamic finance is based
b. the notion of Islamic finance and its ethical foundations
c. Differentiate between Islamic and conventional banking system
d. Differentiate between the key Islamic regulatory bodies
2. Understand the Islamic law of contract
a. Identify and explain the major prohibitions in Islam (Riba and Gharar)
b. the Islamic law of contract
c. Examine the classification of contracts
d. what a valid sale is in Islamic finance by applying the rule of elements of contract
3. Understand how Islamic financial instruments are applied
a. Islamic banks operate and manage their funds
b. Analyze different Islamic instruments and their practical applications
4. Understand the function of Sukuk
a. the basics of Sukuk (Islamic Bonds)
b. how to structure Sukuk by using different financial instruments
c. Examine the Murabaha and Ijarah Sukuk models