Diploma Program in Material Lab Management

The programme is aimed at empowering school leaders to lead and manage schools effectively in a time of great change, challenge and opportunity. It is targeted at serving School Management Team members who aspire to principal ship. The programme seeks to provide structured learning opportunities that promote quality education in schools through the development of a corps of education leaders who apply critical understanding, values, knowledge and skills to school leadership and management. It seeks to empower/enable these educators to develop the skills, knowledge, and values needed to lead and manage schools effectively and to contribute to improving the delivery of education across the school system.

Who Should Attend?

Any learner who wants to develop skills in School Management and want to excel in management of school can join this course

Course benefits:

The School Management course focuses on developing effective school leaders by acquainting Student Teachers with a number of management skills. Where the teachers’ role is to plan, organize, and implement classroom activities, they can use their effective managerial skills to help the head teachers manage school-wide activities. They can contribute effectively to building schools as professional learning communities by creating a shared vision, fostering collaboration in learning, and challenging their own as well as their students’ conventional assumptions, values, and beliefs.


  • The school as an open system
  • Intro to School management
  • School leadership and management
  • Core management skills for teachers
  • The school as a learning organization and teamwork in the workplace
  • School plant management
  • The operations of school management
  • School and human relationships
  • Leadership in a learning organization
  • School Management & leadership