
Quality Assurance Mechanism (QAM)

Key Activities of Learning Through Testing.

DLP 360 Quality Assurance Mechanism (QAM) is an independent body that audits the key activities of testing. QAM checks the maintenance of testing standards and quality, and recommends for improvement. DLP 360 QAM publishes guidelines to help the testers develop effective systems to ensure the objective assessment. One of the key functions of the DLP 360 QAM is to work with testing and administrative staff involved across the globe to:

  • Maintain the testing standards of the qualifications granted to candidates, in the light of the requirements of the clients.
  • Assure and enhance the quality of the testing experience of the candidates.

DLP 360’s testing system facilitates not only the individual candidates’ requirements but also addresses the corporate and institutions’ expectations. DLP 360’s testing system, powered by robust quality assurance mechanism, is highly advanced, flexible, and dynamic which is open to continuous reform.

DLP 360 offers a wide range of testing options, including quantitative and qualitative assessment schemes. The testing is done at three tiers, i.e. Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels. This is, further, qualified at Novice, Skilled, and Expert Levels of difficulty. All the tests are time-constrained, with two types of marking systems: Standard and Advanced. These marking systems are used according to the individual and corporate requirements.

DLP 360’s testing systems are designed to provide candidates with the competencies that employers have identified as critical to their needs. DLP 360’s QAM underpins the DLP 360’s Testing System to enable consistent, high quality assessment to be delivered and recognized across the world. DLP 360 QAM is committed to a critical examination of quality and related issues in continually evolving new trends and research in the testing mechanism.

DLP 360 devotes itself to the dissemination of best practice for consistent improvement in testing through effective and efficient management of change. DLP 360 frequently invites insights into the perceptions and opinions of quality in testing of a number of stakeholders to gain a balanced view. DLP 360 QAM seeks to contribute to developing effective strategies to deal with the complex and uncertain environment in which testing is done. The aim is to compare and evaluate perceptions of quality of testing by a number of stakeholders.

DLP 360’s Quality assurance mechanism is effective and efficient because it analyses from both ways, i.e. internal and external quality assurance of testing; and finally tries to match DLP 360’s internal resources with the demands of external environment before its competitors. DLP 360’s QAM equally applies to all modes of requirement: Employment, Admissions, Assessment of Employees, Assessment of Students OR a combination of the above. DLP 360’s QAM performs this task through a variety of mechanisms:

  • Ensuring control and consistency in standardization of quality testing.
  • Frequent faculty development and training program.
  • Feedback through Open and Closed ended questionnaires and group discussions.
  • Revision/up gradation of Testing through constant Research and Development Program.
  • Evaluation of internal quality assurance.
  • Evaluation of specific types of testing system, evaluating candidates’ skills and competencies through combination of examinations.
  • The centralized evaluation system is developed and constantly monitored by a group of subject/industry specialist team comprising highly qualified, experienced and professional faculty members.
  • The link between internal and external quality assurance is established through the following DLP 360’s evaluations methodologies:
  • To constitute a testing evaluation committee comprising highly qualified team of professionals to ensure quality of testing and standardization.
  • Examination/Result Awarding—Recommendation Committee.
  • To constitute a Testing Evaluation Committee comprising highly qualified team of professionals to ensure quality of testing and standardization.

External Quality Assurance Mechanism

DLP 360’s QAM department is completely detached from DLP 360 Testing Centers, enabling it to act as independent external verifier and evaluator. DLP 360’s QAM is given the responsibility for conducting external quality assurance and performs this task through different types of evaluations and other assessment methods. All quality assessments are carried out by means of independent external expert panels. DLP 360’s QAM main tasks are to:

  • Administer Testing Calendar.
  • Carry out comparative study, coupled with volumetric analysis and sample evaluations with the purpose of investigating, assessing and developing the quality of testing in DLP 360.